Student Solution


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Week 5-Examination 1

Week 5-Examination 1

Q Wk5 - Individual Assignment - Examination 1 - The Harley Davidson Case - Instructions and Questions In spite of the progress that has been made at Harley Davidson you have been called in by the Management Group. You are somewhat aware of what has happened over the recent past and wonder why the meeting. Your assignment – after reading the Case, answer or respond to the following: 1. Provide some insight, as to your thoughts, in anticipation of a business meeting with the Management of Harley Davidson, Inc., regarding the matter at hand. 2. Is there a specific process that you will follow when meeting with the Management Group? If so, what would it be? 3. In your view, what is the most important step in this process? 4. What techniques or questions would you use or ask to 1. Schedule a meeting with the Management of Harley Davidson or 2. To discuss a possible engagement. 5. Based upon a successful introductory meeting – describe potential issues that Harley Davidson, Inc., may be facing? 6. Prioritize the issues according to their importance– Explain how you arrived at your rank order list. 7. How would you position yourself (as a consultant) with the decision makers to be in the most favorable position to submit a Request for Quote (RFQ) 8. Assume that there is resistance to your submitting an RFQ – How would you deal with the resistance. 9. How would you secure a second meeting to present your ideas to Harley Davidson's Management Team

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1) From all over the world, Harley- Davidson performs the responsibility of tying people with one another quite genuinely, ardently and reliably. Counting from one urban location to the other as well as from one nation to another Harley’s epitome behind autonomy and individualism surpasses individual culture, sex and the age group they belong to. Hence, for being known as an “Iconic Brand” although is rewarding but at the same time exploding urge to that level within the people is what Harley mainly aims at.